CLASS HOURS : "Early to come and early to go"

Classes will be held from 8:45 A.M to 3:15 P.M. Students will not be allowed to go out of the college premises until the classes are over. In case of emergency they will be allowed to go with the permission of the principal.

ATTENDANCE : "One who is regular wins the race"

The Pre-University department has fixed an attendance of 75% in each subject. The parents of irregular students will be informed to take suitable steps. Students with shortage of attendance will not be permitted to take their annual examinatios as per the regulations. Though the minimum requirement of attendance is fixed at 75%, our desire is that all students should maintain 100% attendance. Parentsshould visit the college at least once in a month and enquire about the regularity of their daughter.

TESTS AND EXAMINATIONS : " Not only knowledge oriented but also marks oriented "

Tests, examination are essential to judge the students learning. The college conducts monthly tests and mid term, preparatory exams. Hence it is also the responsibility of the parents to see that their daughter regularly attend these tests and examinations. Students will be fined in case of absence from examinations. Moreover such students may not get admission in the succeeding year. Marks scored in these tests and examinations will be entered in the progress card and sent to the parents through their daughter. Parents are here by urged to go through them. All the tests and examination result are exhibited ostentatiously in the College website Parents are informed through SMS, if students fail to attend the tests and examinations.

DISCIPLINE: " The True Learning "

A place of learning self control & character. Our students should go out to the world as disciplined citizens. The college leaves no stone unturned in ensuring discipline among students. Students are strictly warned against loitering in the corridors, or abstaining from classes or any breach of conduct. Misbehaving with Teaching or Non Teaching staff will get their admission cancelled. However, we believe that the parent is the first Teacher.

UNIFORM: " Come Lets maintain Uniformity within ourselves "

The Introducing of the Uniform along with Identity Card in the College has created oneness among the students by eradicating the inferior complexity within themselves. Moreover it also reflects the discipline of the students to maintain homogenous atmosphere in the College. If a student fails to wear the Uniform, she will be sent back. from the College. By the introduction of the Uniform, a student will be easily detected to maintain the reputation of the College. However it has enabled the students to Come together, Study together and Walk together, representing " unity is strength

THE USE OF CELL PHONE: " Utilization / Use of the cell phones misleads the students in the College Campus

The use of the Cell Phone is strictly prohibited inside the College Campus by the Students, as it reflects the Student's discipline. If in case a student is caught with a Cell Phone will be fined. If there is a necessity to communicate with the parents, an STD booth is provided inside the College premises. As a result, the students can keep up their discipline and can concentrate towards their studies.

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